Dear inline hockey community,
We appreciate your messages and comments about access to the website and just to remind all that as advised we have been in the process of migrating our website to align to the Esports platform over the past few months. A number of links to these have been sent out which offer access to all documents.
Thanks for your continued support,
2023 NZ Inline Hockey Rule Book (V1)
2023 Outline of Rule Changes for Referees.
Amendment to IHNZ Rulebook - Rule 8.2 - Suspension (uploaded 24/07/2023)
2021 IHNZ Rule Book V1 (Second Edition)
IHNZ Referees : Qualification System and Training Program (January 2019)
IHNZ Rule Book Revision (July 2016)
NZ Rule Book Update Bulletin (March 2016)
Body Contact Definitions (Jeff Scott)
Game Officials Code of Conduct
Referees Course
Coaches and Players Rules Course
A 90-120 minute free online course specifically developed for coaches and players.
Focuses on the most common rules, penalties, and penalty times. Can be stopped and started as often as needed, allowing you to complete it in your own time frame.
The IHNZ strongly encourages all coaches to take this course. The course is also open to all players and club members who would also benefit from taking the course.