Dear inline hockey community,
We appreciate your messages and comments about access to the website and just to remind all that as advised we have been in the process of migrating our website to align to the Esports platform over the past few months. A number of links to these have been sent out which offer access to all documents.
Thanks for your continued support,
Skating Drills
Posted August 05, 2016
From James Trevena-Brown and Bevan Varney at the Kilbirnie rink.
Inline Hockey Promo 2015
Posted March 14, 2015
Promo video designed by Rachel Walsh to assist the promotion of inline hockey to prospective players and schools sports coordinators.
SlapShot Productions - Passing
Posted July 29, 2011
The New Zealand Inline Hockey Association is grateful for the assistance from Slap Shot Productions who offered to film a series of four skills development videos earlier in the year.
SlapShot Productions - Skills Puck Handling
Posted July 20, 2011
The New Zealand Inline Hockey Association is grateful for the assistance from Slap Shot Productions who offered to film a series of four skills development videos earlier in the year.
SlapShot Productions - Skills Skating
Posted July 10, 2011
The New Zealand Inline Hockey Association is grateful for the assistance from Slap Shot Productions who offered to film a series of four skills development videos earlier in the year.
SlapShot Productions - Skills Defence
Posted July 03, 2011
The New Zealand Inline Hockey Association is grateful for the assistance from Slap Shot Productions who offered to film a series of four skills development videos earlier in the year.
Piako Pirates Skills Day
Posted October 31, 2010
Piako Pirates hosted a very successful skills development day to finish off their inline hockey season.