Dear inline hockey community,
We appreciate your messages and comments about access to the website and just to remind all that as advised we have been in the process of migrating our website to align to the Esports platform over the past few months. A number of links to these have been sent out which offer access to all documents.
Thanks for your continued support,
IHNZ News June 2021
Posted July 16, 2021
Our commemorative 25th anniversary logo was unveiled at the AGM and you’ll notice this logo starting to appear everywhere as we raise awareness of our 25th celebration. This year promises to be extra special with Sky Sport Next televising the Senior Women, Senior Men and Premier Men’s finals. We are currently in discussions around the possibility of the exhibition game also being televised. All other games will be live streamed and throughout the event.
To help celebrate and commemorate our 25th anniversary, we have developed a range of merchandise, (tshirts, shorts, hoodies and customisable hockey jerseys you can add your name and number to) available for order in a range of colours. During the event a number of hockey souvenirs and goodies will also be available for purchase.;
A link to the merchandise available: https://kustomteamwear.com/
Type INLINE In the search icon
InterRegionals 2021:
The Northland Stingrays hosted a fantastic weekend of hockey over the weekend.
A huge thanks to all involved in the effort to run such a successful tournament played in great spirits! The feedback received has been really positive with comments around the quality of the rink, organisation, the standard of gamesmanship exhibited from those players attending and the medals proved to be a hit with young and old. Thanks to everyone who made the effort to attend this year and especially to the Stingrays for your warm hospitality and organisation!
Check out the action at IHNZ InterRegionals 2021 https://www.facebook.com/groups/142834277942633
Nationals 25th Anniversary:
Nationals 2021 is scheduled to run from 2nd - 9th October 2021 at the Ravens Inline Hockey Club, New Plymouth.
The blocking schedule has been finalised and the draw will be made available as soon as regional league results are known.
As part of the celebrations IHNZ are looking for nominations to recognise those people within the sport who tirelessly give their time, efforts and endeavours on behalf of our people.
Please see your club committee for a copy of the information required.
Nationals Exhibition Game:
As part of Inline Hockey New Zealand’s 25th Anniversary, an exhibition game will be held between New Zealand Maori and New Zealand All Stars.
Expressions of interest are being asked from players interested in playing in this game - closing Friday 16 July - https://forms.gle/kNTs5uuA4uH1SJWU6
Please note all applicants must be aged 18 or over, be a fully paid member of IHNZ and have no current fees or payments to clubs or IHNZ outstanding.
All applications are through your club and must reach IHNZ by 5pm, 31 July 2021.
Attached is the 2021 Dispensation Information, Nationals Event Notice and Form
IHNZ AGM Update:
A copy of the AGM presentation has been sent to all clubs, feel free to ask for this to be forwarded to you if you would like to read all the details. There is also a copy posted to the IHNZ website. The main points from the AGM are summarised as follows:
IHNZ are currently looking at how to fund growth activities going forward. Whilst we apply for grants, Sport NZ funding etc, analysis has been done around the $40 IHNZ fee that is charged to members with 85% of these fees going toward operating costs such as insurance, audit fees, marketing, governance and operational costs, administration etc. Only 15% is spent on growth activities. Last year due to Covid, IHNZ halved the cost to $20 resulting in a $18k deficit.
Discussions were had around what is needed to remain operational and for long term sustainability going forward.
It was suggested by the Ravens that the IHNZ players membership fee be increased by $5 each year over the next 3 years which was voted on and ratified.
IHNZ will do further analysis around a family membership in which we could look at a discount for a third or more member which will be reported back to all clubs.
Balance is Better:
Further work and discussion needs to be held with the clubs and regions around these principles. IHNZ needs all clubs on the same page moving forward to ensure we retain our membership and engagement.
It is imperative that we accommodate both elite players and those who want to play a more social tournament.
Specifically we need to ensure we still grow, engage and retain members going forward as the long term health of the sport is paramount but that we abide by Sport NZ principles in doing this.
IHNZ Constitution:
For the past 18 months IHNZ has been working on updating the Constitution. We have been looking at the best governance processes and models that other sporting organisations are following and how IHNZ could best apply this.
The appointments process has been one area needing updating. This means that people need to be appointed to the Board for the skill set they bring as diversity and skill is needed to move the sport forward. Independents are important as they bring experience from other sporting organisations to the Board. A capability and skills based approach leads to better decision making from the top down and shows accountability to the sport and its members.
It is imperative for the sport to move forward that we change and tighten up the constitution to reflect the hockey community and to move in the right direction.
Work to date includes:
- Governance, Tender, Procurement, Policy and Protocol documentation and development, Sport NZ,
- Sub Committees development to form the operational growth and development of the sport - We need people from the sport to be included in these committees!
- Christchurch rink/boards set up,
Coaching and Development programmes which include:
- Learn to Play Programme - supply clubs with the means to run the program and resources to do this including advertising
- Coaches training development programme
- First step includes the Introduction to Coaching delivery and involve clubs to roll these out including coaches being qualified to coach at these levels
- Level 1 - Club
- Level 2 - Nationals/Regionals
- Level 3 - International
- Skill development will be rolled out with these modules
Oceanias 2022:
Ivan Wood has been appointed Chef De Mission. Currently timings, dates and venues for training are being finalised with these to come out soon.
Venue Announcements:
The venues have been finalised for Nationals and InterRegional events for the next 3 years.
- 2022 - Hamilton
- 2023 - Whanganui
- 2024 - New Plymouth
- 2022 - Whanganui
- 2023 - New Plymouth
- 2024 - Hamilton
Special Thanks:
On behalf of IHNZ and all members of our sporting community, we would like to make a special mention of thanks to both Willy Harvey and Shane Clark for their efforts to assist the Christchurch Lions with their new rink.
We look forward to regularly updating you on the 2021 season and our Nationals 25th celebrations.
IHNZ Board